
For the implementation of your project

Checklist for implementing circular strategies

Depending on the initial situation of a building project, circular strategies can be implemented to different extents. For example, a renovation project offers different opportunities than a new construction project with deconstruction or partial deconstruction. It is therefore important to examine the individual possibilities for each project and to implement them as far as possible. As an actor in a circular construction and real estate economy, we invite you to use the following checklist to implement circular strategies in your projects.

Please note: The document is currently only available in German.

Publication|pdf|German|558 KB

Checklist for implementing circular strategies

From the DGNB publication "Im Fokus: Zirkuläres Bauen" (i.e. In focus: Circular Building)

Topic-specific checklists

Publication|pdf|English|2 MB

Conversion and deconstruction-friendly planning

From the DGNB Report "Circular Economy"
Publication|pdf|English|2 MB

Multi-use of areas

From the DGNB Report "Circular Economy"

You can find out more about this topic by clicking here.


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