DGNB expert days

The ideal platform for licensed DGNB certification experts to share experiences and build knowledge

At the DGNB expert days, we give our licensed DGNB Certification experts the opportunity to exchange experiences, network and build knowledge. The programme covers a wide range of helpful and interesting topics. Please note that these events are held in German only.

An integral part of the programme is information on

  • on the latest developments in the construction and real estate industry
  • on innovations in the DGNB System (supplemented by reports from and for the practice relating to the sustainable planning, construction and operation of buildings)
  • and on the development of DGNB as an association.

In addition, there will be interactive dialogue elements and a contribution on a selected practical topic.

The DGNB expert days have different focuses. Participation in a DGNB expert day entitles you to DGNB further education points for the maintenance of your licence. In addition, we register the events with the Chamber of Architects Baden-Württemberg as well as with dena as a further education and training measure.

The events take place several times a year in presence or as an online format. The number of participants for the face-to-face events is limited to ensure a personal exchange. The digital events take place via GoToMeeting as a live lecture with interactive elements and thus also offer space for exchange and questions.

Overview of events

At the DGNB expert day "Sustainable Building", we focus on the implementation of demonstrably sustainable buildings or districts. We will discuss innovations and important topics related to the DGNB System and the market for sustainable design and construction.

  • DGNB further education points for obtaining the licence

8 further education points

At the DGNB expert day "Certification", we focus on the successful handling of certification projects. In addition to innovations and important topics related to the DGNB System, the associated regulatory developments and political framework conditions will be explained.

  • DGNB further education points for obtaining the licence

8 further education points

At the DGNB expert day "Sustainable Real Estate Management", we will focus on the successful management of certification projects with the DGNB System for Buildings In Use. In addition to innovations and important topics related to the DGNB System for Buildings In Use, the related technical requirements of the EU Taxonomy for the acquisition and ownership of existing buildings will be addressed.

  • DGNB further education points for obtaining the licence

8 further education points

 DGNB member /
Member of a cooperating training institution*
DGNB non-member
DGNB expert day "Sustainable Building"360 €425 €
DGNB expert day "Certification"360 €425 €
DGNB expert day "Sustainable Real Estate Management"360 €425 €

All prices exclude VAT.

The reduced fees apply according to the DGNB fee schedule for all ordinary members and group members of the DGNB and their employees.

*Please enclose a valid proof of membership of the cooperating training institution with your booking.

Next dates and registration

At the moment there are no (further) dates available for booking.

As an alternative to the DGNB expert day, you can also maintain your licence by attending other further education and training courses offered by the DGNB Academy. Submitting and successfully certifying a project will also earn you further education points.

Format DGNB ConsultantDGNB AuditorDGNB ESG-ManagerDGNB further education points
DGNB expert day "Sustainable Building"full-day programmexxx8 points
DGNB expert day "Certification"full-day programmexxx8 points
DGNB expert day "Sustainable Real Estate Management"full-day programmexxx8 points
DGNB seminar programmevarying length
more information
xxx2 to 8 points
Life Cycle Assessment compact course7 x 90 min (online event)
more information
xxx8 points
Basic course "Sustainable, ESG-compliant real estate management"2 x 90 min (online event)
more information
xx 4 points
Expert course "Sustainable, ESG-compliant real estate management"4 x 90 min (online event)
more information
xx 8 points
DGNB practical module4 x 90 min (online event)
more informatione
xx 8 points
Compact course Basics of Sustainable Building6 x 90 min (online event) or on-demand
more information
  x6 points
DGNB System module2 x 90 min (online event)
more information
  x4 points
Successful certification of a projectmax. one project per year creditable (no pre- / series / multiple certificate) xx4 points

Proof of the first further education points is only to be provided in the following calendar year after successful examination and completion of the qualification. The general licensing conditions can be found here.

Your contact

Anna-Lisa Kölblin

Further Education Certification Experts