Life Cycle Assessment Compact Course

Learn how to use life cycle assessment to optimise the environmental impact of buildings.

A Life Cycle Assessment (LCA) is needed to make the environmental impact of a building transparent and to identify areas for improvement. It enables a holistic assessment of the entire life cycle of a building, taking into account the different phases from production and use to end of life.

In the Life Cycle Assessment Compact Course, we present practical applications for the use of Life Cycle Assessment. You will learn how to calculate and optimise the environmental impact of buildings throughout their entire life cycle, independent of the use of specific accounting tools.

The course is held in German.

While Life Cycle Assessment has always been used as a method in the context of DGNB Certification, it has now also been made mandatory in the funding programme "Klimafreundlicher Neubau" of the German federal funding for sustainable building (BEG). Conducting a Life Cycle Assessment is a prerequisite for building owners to be eligible for funding. As a result, there is an increasing demand for trained professionals, and this course will open up new opportunities for architects, energy consultants and other planners.

Event details

  • (Specialist) planners who want to minimise the environmental impact of buildings using life cycle analysis
  • Energy efficiency experts who would like to expand their knowledge of life cycle assessment, which is additionally required for the German funding programme "Klimafreundlicher Neubau" (calculation of the required values for the Life Cycle Assessment according to QNG)
  • DGNB Consultants or DGNB Auditors who wish to specialise in Life Cycle Assessment or, in particular, support the implementation of the DGNB criterion ENV1.1 "Building life cycle assessment" as an expert in certification projects

Seminar day 1:

  • Relevance and methodology of Life Cycle Assessment of buildings
  • Overview of current regulations or funding conditions and understanding of the data basis for Life Cycle Assessment
  • Application of life cycle analysis for material and component comparisons
  • Overview of different LCA tool providers
  • Exercise for independent variant calculation of a component comparison and interpretation of the results

Seminar day 2:

  • Comparison of the accounting rules according to DGNB and QNG
  • Application of Life Cycle Assessment to the overall balance of the building
  • Comparison of the accounting rules for residential and non-residential buildings based on the QNG requirements
  • Independent exercise to test the application of LCA tools from tool providers and interpretation of the results

Seminar day 3:

  • Opportunities and potential of Building Information Modeling (BIM) and digital planning tools for Life Cycle Assessment
  • Application of Life Cycle Assessment in the early project planning phases for variant comparisons to optimise construction planning
  • A look at international LCA systems and overarching standards at EU level
  • Limitations of the assessment methodology and benefits of LCA for renovation and building operation
  • Information on the optional examination and exam preparation

  • You will understand the relevance, the basics and the various possible applications of Life Cycle Assessment and gain the skills to independently prepare LCAs for different use cases.
  • As a planner, you will strengthen your argumentation and decision-making skills in the planning process and, by interpreting the LCA correctly, you will be able to give your clients the best possible advice when making decisions.
  • Through independent exercises, you will apply your newly acquired knowledge directly in practice and internalise the use of databases such as Environmental Product Declarations (EPDs) and possible tools, as well as the use of environmental indicators in databases.
  • You will get a neutral overview of the most common assessment tools available and how to use them.
  • You will be able to critically reflect on and compare different scopes and outcomes in relation to the environmental impact.
  • You will be prepared for the application of the DGNB Criterion ENV1.1 as part of the DGNB Certification (DGNB System New Construction of Buildings, Version 2018 and Version 2023) and the verification of the special QNG requirements.
  • You have an understanding of the relevant international and European systems and standards for the application of Life Cycle Assessment.
  • You will gain in-depth knowledge of the application of Life Cycle Assessment methods to new buildings, existing buildings undergoing renovation, and carbon neutral building operation.

At the end of the compact course, you have the option of taking a 30-minute exam to demonstrate your LCA expertise to third parties on the DGNB website. This qualification is recognised as part of the federal and KfW funding programmes. You can find more information on this under "Note for Energy Efficiency Experts".

The examination consists of a total of 27 questions on the DGNB Life Cycle Assessment Compact Course and is taken online. The questions are multiple choice. A score of at least 70 percent is required to pass the exam. If you do not achieve this in the first attempt, you can take a second attempt free of charge.

Admission requirements: The exam can only be taken after attending the course. You must also have at least one year's relevant work experience to be admitted to the exam.


30 min. on one exam day

Event location



110 € for DGNB members / members of a cooperating training institution*

160 € für DGNB non-members

110 € for students**

Prices exclude VAT.
*Please enclose a valid proof of membership of the cooperating training institution with your booking.
**Please enclose a valid certificate of enrolment with your booking.
The reduced fees apply according to the DGNB fee schedule for all ordinary members and group members of the DGNB and their employees.

Please note: As the training and exam are in German, please switch to German language settings to make a booking.


3 seminar days (11 hrs. in total)
additionally up to 2 x 2.5 hrs. for independent work on exercises

Event location



450 € for DGNB members / members of a cooperating training institution*

590 € for DGNB non-members

330 € for students**

Prices exclude VAT.
*Please enclose a valid proof of membership of the cooperating training institution with your booking.
**Please enclose a valid certificate of enrolment with your booking.
The reduced fees apply according to the DGNB fee schedule for all ordinary members and group members of the DGNB and their employees.

Groups (from 10 persons)
For group bookings of 10 people or more, please contact us by email at

Please note: As the training is held in German, please switch to German language settings to make a booking.


You will receive a confirmation of participation from us. This makes the knowledge you have acquired transparent.

There are no admission requirements to be fulfilled. You do not need any prior knowledge of the DGNB System or Life Cycle Assessment

Only if you want to take the optional exam, you must have at least one year's relevant professional experience.

The event will take place online via GoToMeeting. You can conveniently log in with the dial-in link via the browser or the GoToMeeting app. You can participate via desktop PC, laptop, tablet or smartphone.

We recommend using a PC or laptop with a camera, loudspeaker and microphone (alternatively: headset with microphone) as well as a stable internet connection. If you have problems with the audio quality, you can also dial in via a telephone.

You will receive your dial-in data two to three workdays in advance.

  • DGNB further education points for obtaining the licence

8 further education points

  • Information

In the first lesson of seminar day 1, sections of the DGNB System Module "Ecology and economy in building certification" are repeated in order to create a uniform knowledge base for all participants.

dena recognises the LCA qualification acquired in the DGNB Compact Course on Life Cycle Assessment and verified by an examination for the list of Energy Efficiency Experts. The examination certificate enables Energy Efficiency Experts to be registered with dena for the "Klimafreundlicher Neubau" funding programme with the additional qualification in Life Cycle Assessment (LCA) for residential and non-residential buildings. Following the successful examination, you will receive the required DGNB recognition form. Together with proof that you have passed the examination, this can be submitted to dena for listing.

  • Language of teaching


  • Recognition as further education and training

This course has been registered with dena and the Chamber of Architects Baden-Württemberg for recognition as continuing education and training.

  • Breaks

30-minute coffee break in the morning and one-hour lunch break between lessons

  • Max. number of participants

100 participants

  • Registration deadline

4 workdays in advance

Frequently Asked Questions: Compact Course Life Cycle Assessment

Yes, you can. No prior knowledge is required to attend the course.

In the course, you will independently calculate building material and component comparisons via LCA using examples. A complete "perfect example" is not part of the independent exercises.

Yes, if students have already gained one year of professional experience, they fulfil the requirements for taking the exam.

At the end of the Compact Course on Life Cycle Assessment, we will give you tips on how to prepare for the exam. The exam questions cover all parts of the course equally. You will only be tested on content – you will not be required to do any calculations.

Upon successful completion of the examination, you will have the opportunity to be listed here on the DGNB website as a DGNB-Examined Expert in Life Cycle Assessment. To do this, we need your permission to publish your personal details on our website. You can simply fill in the application form with your desired contact details and send it back to us by email to

As a listed energy efficiency expert, you can also be listed in dena's list of energy efficiency experts ( with the additional qualification for Life Cycle Assessment (LCA) upon presentation of the DGNB examination certificate.

Yes, this is required if you hold the title DGNB Consultant or DGNB Auditor and are an Energy Efficiency Expert.

Yes, this is currently mandatory. However, a simplification of this process is under discussion. We will communicate any changes in good time. Regardless of this, participation in the course is recommended for DGNB Auditors.

Yes, the course covers both residential and non-residential buildings.

Your contact

Maresa Schmid

Director DGNB Academy

Mario Schneider

Director DGNB Academy