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DGNB publications in English at a glance

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Promoting on-site biodiversity

Publication: 15.05.2024
The DGNB System for Biodiversity-Promoting Exterior Spaces helps companies, local authorities and neighbourhood developers to design and maintain areas on built-up properties, façades and roofs in such a way that they support the preservation of biodiversity and ecosystem diversity. In addition, the application of the certification system is intended to minimise investment risks and at the same time ensure greater transparency. The DGNB Certificate for Biodiversity-Promoting Exterior Spaces can be particularly useful for sustainability reporting.
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Guide to Climate Positive Building Stock

Publication: 27.04.2023
"Act now, remove barriers now, collaborate now" is the motto of the publication "Guide to Climate Positive Building Stock", which shows how building stock can become climate positive. It was developed as part of the EU project #BuildingLife. The first part of the brochure provides information on the status quo of building stock at policy level. Furthermore, it identifies 50 of the most important measures for a common path towards climate-positive building stock. The report is addressed at all stakeholders in the building and real estate sector, as well as decision-makers in local governments, science, politics and finance.
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Building Materials and Sustainability

Publication: 16.02.2023
The building materials selection has a major influence on the overall result of a sustainable building. But what really matters when it comes to choosing materials? And what information is really relevant, far from trends and marketing statements? The report "Building materials and sustainability" provides planners and builders with principles and methods to guide them in their material decisions. At the same time, it creates a basis for communication with building product manufacturers. In a compact form with numerous graphics, checklists and a selection of building material alternatives, it motivates implementation.
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Circular Economy Taxonomy Study

Publication: 22.02.2023
The real estate sector is not prepared for the transition to a circular economy like it is specified by the European Union. This is shown by a study conducted by the DGNB together with European partners. In it, the marketability of the Circular Economy criteria of the EU taxonomy was examined on the basis of real construction projects. The resource conservation taking place today through the reuse of building components and the use of recyclates proved to be particularly challenging. In addition, there was a lack of data and methods for circular building. 38 projects of different building types from ten different countries participated in the study.
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EU Taxonomy Study: Climate change mitigation

Publication: 19.03.2021
The property market has quite a bit of catching up to do if it wants to work through the taxonomy criteria laid down by the European Union. This is partially because stakeholders lack the information they need to fulfil verification requirements. In addition, the way some of the criteria are currently formulated, they are practically impossible to fulfil. This is the conclusion of a recent study conducted by the DGNB in collaboration with partners from Denmark, Austria and Spain. It also includes concrete recommendations to the EU Commission and market stakeholders aimed at making it easier to apply the criteria in the future.
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Building for a better world

Publication: 16.02.2021
The publication "Building for a better world" shows how buildings can contribute to the UN Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs). It introduces the reader to the topic of sustainable development and highlights that up to 15 SDGs are addressed through sustainable construction. Using the example of erecting new buildings, using and operating buildings and developing districts, the report shows that the DGNB certification system can be used as a planning tool to translate the SDGs into real projects. Sustainable development thus becomes tangible.
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Framework for carbon neutral buildings and sites

Publication: 13.08.2020
In the Framework, the DGNB has compiled its definition of carbon neutrality as well as the corresponding explanations regarding procedures. The aim is to create clarity on the market and to educate all stakeholders with regard to effective optimisation approaches for reducing the CO2 emissions of their properties. Among other things, the Framework describes the rules for CO2 accounting of buildings and sites. It also serves as a basis for developing building-specific climate action strategies. Additionally, requirements and possibilities for CO2 reporting and quality assurance are presented.
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Climate positive: now!

Publication: 30.03.2020
The publication "Climate positive: now!" shows how every building can make a contribution to climate protection and offers assistance in the form of pragmatic and practical implementation. It provides more detailed background information on why the construction and real estate sector plays a central role in climate protection and why a paradigm shift is needed in the way we treat our buildings. In addition, areas of action are named that have a significant influence on making buildings climate-neutral.
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Added value of certified buildings

Publication: 05.11.2019
For occupants, but also for building owners and investors, sustainable buildings offer a myriad of benefits – from avoiding hazardous materials to achieving lower incidental costs while the building is in use, plus long-term value retention on the building. For the first time, a survey has now been conducted to explore why such factors are important for building commissioners and to examine the experiences they had when gaining DGNB certification. To do this, a questionnaire was written as part of a supervised student thesis at the University of Maastricht. It was then sent to clients who had commissioned DGNB building certification in the past.
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Circular Economy

Publication: 24.10.2019
In recent years the term "circular economy" has become more widespread and has also become a relevant topic in construction. The concept upon which the circular economy is based has great potential: The availability of resources should be ensured for future generations through their appreciation, as well as reuse and recovery. The circular economy is therefore an elementary building block of sustainability and it transfers sustainability to society and its individual sectors.
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Liveable and fit for the future

Publication: 04.11.2019
We spend up to 90 percent of our time in buildings. We live, learn and work in them, we have contact with our fellow humans, seek shelter from external influences, and in the best case they provide us with space for recuperation. Yet, do people really take account of this central role during the design of buildings or their conversion? This publication creates a bridge: Between the designers and architects with their ideas and their expert knowledge on the one side, to the people who have the responsibility of making sure that employees and customers, residents and guests, students and school pupils, have an adequate working, living, and learning environment.
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Making existing buildings future-proof

Publication: 15.07.2020
The key to sustainable real estate management is optimising existing buildings! The DGNB has developed a tool, to make exiting buildings future-proof and to operate them in a sustainable way. Using only nine criteria, the ecological, economic and social aspects are analysed, interpretated and then optimised. This forms the basis of a real estate industry which combines efficiency, climate action and user satisfaction.
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Keep an overview of sustainable building

Publication: 23.04.2019
This brochure explains the function and application of the construction product platform DGNB Navigator. The DGNB Navigator combines the information offer from the manufacturers with the enquiries of designers on the one platform. Furthermore, it represents an important bridge between construction products and the DGNB certification system for buildings, in that it provides the requested data for the building's certification in accordance with DGNB.
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NO MORE EXCUSES – Sustainable is the new normal

Publication: 18.03.2019
The fact that our current lifestyle is not doing our environment any good isn't breaking news at the time of this current IPCC report. When it comes to actively applying solutions, however, too many people hide behind the two small words: "yes" and "but". Why it is time to turn this "yes, but" into a "yes, count me in!", and how this can succeed is addressed in this publication. It clears up the most common prejudices about sustainable building and vividly demonstrates why sustainable construction is essential.
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The cost traps of refrigerants

Publication: 04.11.2019
In order to design and build for the future, DGNB wanted to inform building owners and planners about the use of refrigerants and organised an information event in June 2018 in Berlin. The results of the event are summarised in this publication.
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Added value of certified districts

Publication: 25.06.2018
The DGNB can certify urban districts, business districts, vertical cities, resorts and open event areas. The DGNB is also the world's only provider of certifications for industrial sites. The added value that sustainable planning and implementation as well as certification offers has now been ascertained by a survey. The study was developed as a part of a thesis at the University of Biberach, for which questionnaires were sent to all of DGNB's current and former clients, DGNB auditors and participating planners.
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Life Cycle Assessment – a guide on using the LCA

Publication: 12.07.2018
These guidelines aim to promote the increased use of life cycle assessments in the planning process, by demonstrating the relevance and potential of this tool. Designers and building contractors are additionally provided with arguments for employing these methods as an optimisation tool as early as possible in the planning and implementation process, and the sustainability effects that can be achieved as a result of this are emphasised. Furthermore, the reader is presented with examples of how the results of life cycle assessments are communicated and can serve as supporting arguments for making more environmentally sensible decisions in the course of the planning process.
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Building for tomorrow, today

Publication: 05.10.2021
The DGNB members' brochure provides an overview of the many benefits enjoyed by members of the DGNB. Whether you're just interested in finding out more or are already a DGNB member, look out for the sections on Using the Network, Taking Responsibility and Shaping the future for details of the many different ways you can become actively involved in the activities of the DGNB. At the end of each section is a checklist for members to ensure they are making optimum use of their membership.
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Planning, building and operating buildings sustainably

Publication: 13.11.2017
To assess and capture sustainable building effectively, it is important to use a systematic method that allows for measurability and holistic thinking. The DGNB system offers a certification process that goes far beyond the assessment and recognition of buildings on a purely functional level. As a result, it is often used as an optimisation tool for a variety of aspects related to the sustainability of planning, construction and building operation. Individual factors are never evaluated in isolation. Instead, the impact of each aspect is assessed within the broader context of a building's life cycle, thus looking at the actual building performance over time. This lays a foundation for a sustainably built environment, reflecting the actual needs of people as well as the crucial needs of nature and the environment – all carefully documented and honoured with a DGNB certificate.
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Sustainable quality in series

Publication: 31.10.2019
In the case of buildings with the same use and comparable typologies, sample building specifications are assessed (initial certificate) which are then used as the basis for certification for further properties in this project. Multiple Certification New Construction: consumer markets, hotels, logistics buildings, offices, production buildings, buildings in use | Multiple Certification Interiors: office, retail, hotel, restaurants & catering | Serial Certification: small apartment buildings

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