Committees of the DGNB

An overview of all committees of the DGNB
DGNB Präsidium 2021: v.l.n.r.: Martin Haas, Prof. Dr.-Ing. Anke Karmann-Woessner, Prof. Matthias Rudolph, Prof. Amandus Samsøe Sattler, Thomas Kraubitz, Prof. Anett-Maud Joppien, Prof. Alexander Rudolphi
v.l.n.r.: Martin Haas, Prof. Dr.-Ing. Anke Karmann-Woessner, Prof. Matthias Rudolph, Prof. Amandus Samsøe Sattler, Thomas Kraubitz, Prof. Anett-Maud Joppien, Prof. Alexander Rudolphi

Board of Directors

Board of Directors is elected by the members of the DGNB. It represents the DGNB externally and assumes advisory tasks in particular.


Foto von einer Person, die den DGNB Kriterienkatalog Gebäude Neubau in der Hand hält
DGNB Kriterienkatalog Gebäude Neubau

Technical Committee

The Technical Committee is the main decision-making and quality assurance body in the context of the DGNB System.

Kreislaufmodell aus dem DGNB Circular Economy Report: Make and Use
Kreislaufmodell aus dem DGNB Circular Economy Report

Committee for Life Cycle and Circular Building

The committee combines the expertise of selected experts in the field of circular construction and life cycle assessment.

[Translate to English:] DGNB Navigator Label - Verleihung auf der BAU 2019
DGNB Navigator Label - Award ceremony

Construction Products Committee

The Construction Products Committee promotes product innovations and acts as an intermediary between construction product manufacturers and the DGNB…

Modell eines DGNB zertifizierten Quartiers: GoWest
Modell eines DGNB zertifizierten Quartiers: GoWest

Committee for Sustainable Urban Development

The committee advises the DGNB Board of Directors and the Executive Board in the field of sustainable urban development.

Die WHO schätzt, dass weltweit merh Menschen durch vermutzte Luft als durch verschmutztes Wasser oder Tropenkrankheiten sterben.
Die WHO schätzt, dass weltweit merh Menschen durch vermutzte Luft als durch verschmutztes Wasser oder Tropenkrankheiten sterben.

Committee on Harmful and Hazardous Substances

The committee actively advises the DGNB on requirements for products that minimise harmful substances for sustainable buildings.


Real Estate Committee

The Real Estate Committee advises the Board of Directors and the Executive Board of the DGNB on all real estate-related issues.

DGNB Mitgliederbroschüre Broschüre: Zukunft gestalten
DGNB Mitgliederbroschüre Broschüre: Zukunft gestalten

Innovation Committee

The DGNB Innovation Committee analyses and evaluates current trends that are relevant to sustainable construction.

Hände mit der DGNB Diamant Urkunde für DAW
DGNB Diamant Urkunde für DAW

Commission for Design Quality

This qualified committee assesses the design and architectural quality of projects.

Unterschrift eines Vertrages auf der BAU 2019
Unterschrift eines Vertrages auf der BAU 2019

Legal Committee

The Legal Committee advises the Executive Board on all legal matters, in particular on legal issues relating to certification.


Scientific Committee for Carbon Neutral Buildings and Districts

This committee supports the DGNB, among other things, in the evaluation and further development of the DGNB framework for climate neutral buildings…

Holzplakette bei Expo Real 2022

Certification Committee

The Certification Committee advises the Executive Board on all aspects of the auditing and certification process from the perspective of practical…

Members of the committees are appointed by the Board of Directors of the DGNB. Are you interested in participating in one of these committees? If so, please contact the responsible person of the committee directly.

DGNB Expert Pool

In addition to these committees, the DGNB works together with the members of the DGNB Expert Pool on current issues. DGNB members are cordially invited to get involved here and share their expertise.

More on the DGNB Expert pool


Your contact

Carla Schweizer

Project Manager Research Projects

Dr. Kathrin Quante

Manager System Development