Know-how about the DGNB System

Everything you need to know about the requirements of DGNB Certification and the application of the DGNB System in practice

With the DGNB System and practical modules, we provide you with the basics and requirements of the DGNB System and prepare you for the practical application of the DGNB Criteria within the different versions of our certification system. The combination of all four system modules and one of the practical modules forms the basis for the training to become a DGNB Consultant. This is concluded with the subsequent exam and a licence agreement.

In general, both the system and the practical modules can be booked individually and without admission restrictions as a further training measure for all interested persons.

Please note: As the trainings are held in German, please switch to German language settings to make a booking.

The system and practical modules presented here are part of the training to become a DGNB Consultant. If you are interested in auditing projects outside Germany, in countries where there is no adapted version of the DGNB System, you can find all the information about the International DGNB Consultant training here.

To the International DGNB Consultant

DGNB System Modules

In the system modules, you will acquire basic knowledge about the objectives, structure and application of the DGNB System and its sustainability criteria - both for buildings and for districts. The four system modules form the first content block of the training to become a DGNB Consultant.

For an optimal start, we recommend that you begin with system modules 1 and 2.

Information on the transition phase from version 2018 to version 2023 of the DGNB System for New Construction of Buildings

Since June 2023, the DGNB Academy teaches the content of the 2023 version of the DGNB System for New Construction of Buildings in its German courses on the system modules. As a licensed DGNB Consultant, you can apply the DGNB System for New Buildings in the new version 2023 as well as in the previous version 2018.
More information on the structure and contents of the newly published version 2023 of the DGNB System for New Construction can be found here.

Further down on this page you will find answers to frequently asked questions in connection with the training to become a DGNB Consultant.

This module defines the term sustainability and its relevance to the built environment, and outlines the potential for action in the construction industry. In addition, the DGNB System is used to explain the measurable criteria into which the term can be translated for buildings and districts, and the systematics on which the comprehensive DGNB assessment methodology is based. The focus is on adapting the DGNB System to specific local requirements in new markets.

Other module contents include getting to know the essential aspects of certification - from the available tools and documentation for the conformity check to the awarding of a project - as well as the history of the DGNB from its foundation to the present day.

One goal of sustainable construction is to minimise the emissions and resource consumption of buildings and districts over their entire life cycle and to keep them as low as possible. The life cycle is defined as the period from construction through use - usually at least 50 years - to dismantling.

This module shows which criteria of the DGNB System can be used to achieve these goals and how they are applied. An important part of this is the Life Cycle Assessment. Another aspect of the life cycle perspective is the economic consideration. This is discussed on the basis of the relevant DGNB criteria for buildings and districts and their application in the certification process, and their interaction is presented in an understandable way.

Buildings have a significant impact on our well-being, as we spend up to 90 percent of our time in them. A pillar of sustainability for the DGNB is therefore the socio-cultural dimension, which focuses on the well-being of users. When planning sustainable buildings, it is therefore essential to understand the factors that influence user perception and how they can be positively influenced.

System module 3 focuses on the DGNB criteria that address these aspects. In addition, this module also deals with the DGNB requirements in relation to the technical implementation and equipment of buildings and districts. At the same time, this discussion promotes a high level of acceptance and thus the long-term maintenance of the built environment. Finally, the planning process of a building will be discussed. The composition of the planning team and the first designs set the course for sustainability. The earlier the key influencing factors are taken into account, from the site to the choice of materials and operation, the more effectively sustainability can be achieved.

Sustainable districts require different aspects to be taken into account from those of buildings, but at the same time you have a significant influence on them. The DGNB has developed its own system for planning and implementing sustainability at district level. This module teaches selected DGNB criteria for district certification. The different requirements of a possible use - whether residential, industrial or event - are taken into account accordingly. Starting from the district level, various influencing factors and processes are considered and evaluated - always with a focus on the sustainability goals of the DGNB System.

System module 4 deals primarily with those criteria that are also important for the sustainability of the buildings in a district and covers about half of the district criteria. The other criteria specifically relevant to districts are covered in the practical module 'Planning sustainable and liveable districts'.

 DGNB member /
Member of a cooperating training institution*
DGNB non-member
DGNB System Module (per topic)195 €275 €

All prices exclude VAT.

The reduced fees apply according to the DGNB fee schedule for all ordinary members and group members of the DGNB and their employees.

*Please enclose a valid proof of membership of the cooperating training institution with your booking.

Groups (from 10 persons)
For group bookings of 10 people or more, please contact us by email at

DGNB Practical Modules

In the practical modules, we teach you selected DGNB criteria in an intensive and application-oriented manner. The seminars differ in terms of their sectoral focus and each deals with the criteria of the DGNB System that relate to the individual key topics. The focus is on the concrete application of the DGNB requirements in projects and their positive effects on targeted sustainability goals. The contents learned are applied in exercise units. You will also learn about exemplary projects.

The sustainability of buildings depends on many factors. How well the planning is implemented is decided during the construction phase, both in the procurement of resources, in the prefabrication phase and on the building site.

The module shows how the DGNB System can be used to minimise risks to the local environment and to manage circular construction. The roles of contractors and planners are highlighted, and recommendations for organising work as a DGNB Consultant and DGNB Auditor are presented. The topic of process quality and its criteria are examined in detail.

In the past, architectural quality, efficient planning and sustainable values seemed to be mutually exclusive. But creativity combined with the right tools makes them compatible.

The seminar resolves this perceived contradiction and replaces it with a new, interdisciplinary approach to design and planning. It will reinterpret the roles of architects, clients and planners, explain the relevant regulations and show how to integrate sustainability as a requirement (alongside e.g. budget, space) in the planning process.

A " carbon neutral building stock by the year 2050" is a stated goal of the EU's Green Deal. Renovation plays a key role in reducing the carbon footprint of buildings. Existing buildings, in particular, offer enormous potential for climate action when renovated and maintained.

This practical module will give you a comprehensive insight into the issues you need to consider when dealing with existing buildings in a sustainable way. In addition to achieving carbon neutrality, you will learn how your renovation activities can contribute to land sealing, biodiversity conservation and the circular economy. You will learn about the verification process and how to communicate with building owners and local authorities through small training sessions and practical examples.

Pollutants have a negative impact on the health and well-being of building occupants. But local flora and fauna also need to be protected from hazardous substances. At the latest when a building is demolished or dismantled, they are released into the environment in an uncontrolled manner and also become hazardous waste. The use of environmentally friendly materials, on the other hand, promotes good indoor air quality, protects the property from loss of value and helps to reduce the risk of redevelopment.

The seminar provides an overview of substances, effects and regulations, and establishes the link to the DGNB criterion ENV 1.2.

With creativity and the right tools, sustainable and liveable districts can be planned and implemented in an efficient manner and with a high level of design quality. The result is high quality projects with a strong focus on user satisfaction.

The seminar shows how sustainability can be planned at district level in a transdisciplinary way in cooperation with DGNB Auditors, urban planners, investors and municipalities. It will also discuss the role of the DGNB Auditor and where in the planning process the appropriate levers can be found to create sustainable, liveable districts in which people feel comfortable without unnecessarily burdening the climate and the environment.

The concept of the circular economy involves reusing raw materials, recycling materials and avoiding construction waste. A recycling-friendly building project is also a built asset.

The seminar explains the recovery potential of materials used in construction and presents recyclable product concepts in the sense of the DGNB System. An overview of planning procedures and practical help will round off the event. The practical module refers to the DGNB criterion TEC1.6 and explains its application.

 DGNB member /
Member of a cooperating training institution*
DGNB non-member
DGNB Practical Module (per topic)300 €440 €

All prices exclude VAT.

The reduced fees apply according to the DGNB fee schedule for all ordinary members and group members of the DGNB and their employees.

*Please enclose a valid proof of membership of the cooperating training institution with your booking.

Groups (from 10 persons)
For group bookings of 10 people or more, please contact us by email at

Frequently asked questions about the DGNB System New Construction, Buildings (Version 2023) in connection with the training to become a DGNB Consultant

Yes, we offer free information events on Version 2023 for this purpose.

Please note that you must have completed the training as a DGNB Auditor by the time of project submission at the latest in order to be able to certify the project.

Yes, as long as new building projects can still be registered for Version 2018. Please use the corresponding criteria sets, tools and verifications from the DGNB System for New Construction, Buildings, Version 2018.

Please note that you must have completed the training as a DGNB Auditor by the time of project submission at the latest in order to be able to certify the project.

The basic structure and logic of the systems are very similar. The DGNB System for New Construction, Buildings (Version 2023) contains fewer criteria and new minimum requirements overall. At the same time, the criteria are harmonised with the requirements of other DGNB Systems (Buildings In Use, Construction Site, Deconstruction) as well as classifications (EU Taxonomy, EU reporting framework Level(s), the German quality label "Qualitätssiegel Nachhaltiges Gebäude" (QNG) and the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs)).

Detailed information and an overview of the changes can be found here on our website.

Yes, the DGNB System for New Construction (Version 2018 and Version 2023), the DGNB System for Renovation (Version 2021) and the DGNB System for Small Residential Buildings (Version 2015 and Version 2024) are registered as assessment systems. Further information on the QNG can be found here.

From June 2023, you will no longer find the DGNB System Modules based on Version 2018 in the regular training programme of the DGNB Academy.

The content of the System Version 2018 will continue to be taught at our cooperating training institutions, the academies of the Chambers of Architects for Baden Württemberg, Hessen and Nordrhein-Westfalen. You can find the corresponding events under the training dates.

If you meet the eligibility requirements for the DGNB Consultant examination and take it no later than 24 months after attending the DGNB System Modules and a DGNB Practical Module, you do not need to attend any additional training.

In this case, we offer you the opportunity to take your DGNB Consultant exam until the end of November 2023 based on Version 2018 of the DGNB System for New Buildings. From December 2023, we recommend that you take the exam to become a DGNB Consultant based on the System Version 2023. You will receive all relevant information when you register for the examination.


Your contacts

Sayli Sanjay Sarolkar

Trainings and Bookings

Gert Ritter

Course Content