The DGNB brand has become comprehensively established in the professional public and beyond. It stands for quality, relevance and credibility. The DGNB's holistic approach to sustainability is considered forward-looking, ambitious and demanding. DGNB certification is perceived as a global benchmark for sustainability. The titles DGNB Auditor, DGNB Consultant and DGNB Registered Professional have established themselves as important professional qualifications in the field of sustainable construction. You too can benefit from these positive brand values in the areas of PR, marketing and sales if you use the DGNB brand correctly in your communication.
Logo use and much more
Depending on the target group and business field, we present the most important tips and rules here. We explain how to use our logos correctly and which storytelling approaches are available to you, according to the fields of application in which you use the DGNB. Various style guides for the respective logo use have been compiled on a separate page.
Have you become a member of the DGNB and are you involved in our network of experts? Then you can also use this for your own communication. The basis for this is our association or membership logo, which you can use on your own channels such as your website. You can also use the DGNB logo in publications, in your e-mail signature or in the design of your trade fair stand.
Be sure to use the DGNB website as a showcase for your organisation. Maintain your member profile for this and make your statement for sustainable building. At events such as the DGNB Sustainability Day, we will be happy to record a video statement with you, which we will also include on your member profile.
Or have a photo taken of you with your membership certificate. This is a great photo to publish in your internal communication or on your social media channels. And don't forget to tag the DGNB accounts in the process. Then we will be informed automatically and can react to it.
Has your project been awarded a DGNB Certificate or are you applying for one? Then there are numerous opportunities for your external presentation. And this already after your project has been registered for certification. You are then already allowed to use a corresponding logo with the addition that the project is aiming for a DGNB certificate. This applies to all communication media, as long as the project reference is clear. This also includes the site fence banners. The DGNB has standardised graphics for this purpose, which you can request from us.
Logos in Platinum & Co.
As soon as your project has received a pre-certificate in platinum, gold, silver or bronze on the basis of the planning submitted to us, you may now use the DGNB logo in the award level achieved by your project. The same applies, of course, after completion of the conformity assessment, when you receive the plaque and your DGNB Certificate.
Certification ceremony
By the way, there are various options for receiving your certificates. For an expense allowance, a representative of the DGNB management or Board of Directors will come to you for an on-site appointment. Or we can arrange a photo session at the DGNB office in Stuttgart or at a trade fair where we are represented. These are, for example, Expo Real and BAU in Munich.
Variants of the DGNB plaques
With the DGNB plaques, you can make your quality award visible directly on your building or in the district. They are available in various materials and sizes. Please take a look at our online catalogue (available in German) to find out which variant you prefer.
Special cases for DGNB certification
There are still a few special cases in DGNB certification that also affect the communication options. One of these is our DGNB Diamond award, which is given to buildings with outstanding design and architectural quality. There is a separate logo for this, which you can use to complement the logo of the DGNB Certificate.
Similarly, the Climate Positive award can be achieved in addition to a DGNB Certificate for Buildings In Use. It should be noted here that these are only valid for a limited period and require recertification to be used permanently.
Finally, with DGNB Certification for Sustainable Construction Sites, there are no gradations of the award. Here, one logo applies to all projects that successfully pass the conformity test.
You have acquired a title as DGNB Auditor, Consultant, Registered Professional or ESG-Manager? Then talk about it! Because the demand for qualified experts in the field of sustainable planning, construction or real estate management has increased rapidly.
After completing the examination, we will provide you with a communication kit with logo and style guide to help you achieve this. Whether with a logo or purely textual: make it clear that you are a trained expert - on business cards, your company website or in your email signature.
Add to this your profiles on business networks such as LinkedIn. There, more and more DGNB experts post photos of themselves with their official DGNB Certificates. Or you use your channels as a corporate influencer to present what you actually do in your work as a DGNB Auditor or ESG-Manager. This way, you benefit personally and your company in equal measure.
Have you placed products in the DGNB Navigator and want to use this for marketing? Then we have some tips on how you can best use this for communication purposes. It is important to note that the DGNB itself does not offer product certification.
Those who publish products in the Navigator should not convey that this is associated with a quality inspection. Instead, the core message is that you have stored the most important key figures and documents in the DGNB Navigator that are necessary for an assessment in the context of a DGNB certification. You therefore make your mark with transparency and credibility.
There are two options for logo use. For each published product, you have the option of using the DGNB Navigator logo with the addition "Product listed in". Typical uses are product pages on your website or printed marketing brochures. With this, you convey to architects, planners and auditors that information on the sustainability quality of your product can be found online.
The DGNB Navigator Label goes one step further. Manufacturers receive this label for products for which they have stored all relevant information including a product declaration (EPD) in the Navigator. In addition to the purposes already mentioned, the label can also be printed directly on the product packaging.
Have you successfully completed a DGNB recognition process? Then you naturally have special communication opportunities. Regardless of whether you have been recognised as a service, product label or sustainability rating, you are allowed to use a corresponding DGNB logo, e.g. on your website or in social media. However, it is important that the concrete reference to your actually recognised offer is clear.
As a service or product label, always also reference the landing page of the DGNB website, where there is more in-depth information on the details of your recognition. For product labels, you will find various details on the assessment. For services, the exact list of which criteria of the DGNB System for Buildings In Use your service scores well on. This information is the basis for all communication with your potential customers.
As an architecture, planning or engineering firm, are you involved in our "Phase Sustainability" initiative? Or as a local authority in the initiative "Climate Positive Cities and Communities"? Then why not share this with your network?
With our communication starter kits, you receive not only the respective logo but also visuals specially tailored to social media. You are welcome to use both on your own channels. Some supporters have done this, for example, in the area of "sustainability" on their own websites. In this way, you not only inform, but perhaps also inspire others to get involved in the initiatives together with you.
You were among the nominees or even prize winners in our annual innovation competition? Then this is of course something that your customers, your partners and the professional public should know about. In the media, this is news that is readily picked up.
You can start communicating actively as soon as the nomination has been announced. For this purpose, we provide you with a social media kit with visuals for LinkedIn, Instagram, etc. During this phase, you can announce your pitch presentation or compete for votes in the online election of the audience award.
After the announcement of the winners at the DGNB Sustainability Day, the award winners receive additional winner logos that can be used extensively - on the website, in signatures, in press communications, etc.
Further opportunities to communicate with DGNB

Quotes, interviews and articles for your channels
Would you like to use DGNB experts in your editorial coverage? We would be happy to support you with quotes, interviews or entire expert articles for your channels. These can be sustainability reports as well as podcasts, customer magazines or press releases on DGNB membership or certified projects.
Simply get in touch with our PR and communications managers. We will be happy to help you - also with individual tips on how you can best market your commitment with reference to the DGNB.
Your contacts
Felix Jansen
Director PR, Communications and Marketing
- Phone: +49-711-722322-32
Falk Müller-Sommer
Project Manager Marketing
- Phone: +49-711-722322-73