Press release

DGNB official partner in China. Strong brand in international market

The DGNB (German Sustainable Building Council) System is advancing successfully in the international market. The DGNB System standard is being used in the planning and implementation of projects in the Sino-German Ecopark in Qingdao, China, which is currently under construction. The DGNB recently signed a statement of intent with the Chinese representatives of this ambitious project. In the statement, the Chinese signatories strongly recommend that all investors and decision makers apply the DGNB System to the buildings under their purview.

The new Ecopark is being built on a 12 km² site in the port city of Qingdao in eastern China. It is seen as an important pilot project for renewable energies, energy-efficient and water-efficient building engineering, innovative supply and waste management systems and electromobility. It is hoped that this model project will serve as an impetus for similar schemes in China. In the next five to ten years, the construction of numerous residential and commercial buildings is planned in the Ecopark, using the latest building materials and cutting-edge building services engineering. The development of this modern urban district is receiving scientific support from Chinese and German universities and research institutions as well as political backing from the German Federal Ministry of Economy.

"We are very pleased that we can contribute our expertise to this ambitious project and demonstrate the effectiveness of the DGNB System in this international setting as well," says Dr. Christine Lemaitre, DGNB Chief Executive Officer. "Generally speaking, in the Asia region there is currently a lot of interest in the expertise of Germany and the DGNB in the field of sustainable building. In Thailand, for example, the DGNB System is also being adapted to local specifications. Plans are being made for DGNB training as well as the first pilot project. In China, the adaptation of the DGNB System to the Chinese parameters will be completed in the second half of the year, and training measures will also be stepped up," continues Lemaitre. DGNB training sessions will also be launched this fall in Brazil and Ukraine.
The adaptation of the system in Denmark has also made good progress. Seven buildings were certified at the end of May, of which five received the DGNB Certificate in silver and two in bronze. This initial phase will run until the end of 2012, after which the market version of the DGNB Certificate for office and administration buildings will be available in Denmark.

The decision to use the DGNB System to certify sustainable buildings was made by Denmark's Green Building Council in the summer of 2011. "We decided in favor of the DGNB System because it already complies with the EU standards that will soon take effect. In addition, it offers extraordinarily innovative perspectives, placing the same high priority on energy, ecological, economic and social factors," says Nikolaj Hertel, Chairman of the Danish Green Building Council.

Additional information
Deutsche Gesellschaft für Nachhaltiges Bauen e.V.
German Sustainable Building Council (GeSBC)
Kronprinzstrasse 11
70173 Stuttgart
Tel.: +49 (0)711 72 23 22-0
Fax: +49 (0)711 72 23 22-99

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German Sustainable Building Council
The German Sustainable Building Council (DGNB) was founded in Stuttgart in 2007. In an effort to promote sustainable building, the Council resolved to develop a certification system to honour particularly environmentally friendly, economically efficient buildings that conserve resources and have been optimised in terms of user comfort – the German Sustainable Building Certificate.
The DGNB has more than 1.100 members from all sectors of the building and property trade in Germany. A network of partner organisations in several countries ensures international adaptation and application of the certification system.


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Director PR, Communications and Marketing