The financial industry is a sector that has developed an increasingly strong interest in climate action. This is not only due to the fact that banks and insurance companies are increasingly assessed by politicians and society with regard to "non-monetary" aspects such as climate action.
For example, Article 2, paragraph (c) of the Paris Agreement requires actors in the financial sector to make financial resources available in order to limit climate change. Furthermore, the consequences of climate change are increasing worldwide. The associated damage is leading to ever greater risks, especially for insurance and credit institutions. Minimising risks and channelling money flows into sustainable products is thus one of the main drivers for the finance and insurance industry to actively address the issue of climate action.
To this end, the DGNB, together with its network, is developing recommendations on how to act for financial decision-makers in the context of the Wissenstransfer Bau (i.e.: Knowledge Transfer Construction) research project funded by the German Environment Agency and the Federal Ministry for the Environment, Nature Conservation and Nuclear Safety. The recommendations are initially to be regarded as drafts that are to be sharpened in the network and with stakeholders in a possible follow-up project. To make it clear that these are drafts, they are marked as discussion papers (WiTraBau).

Promoting building renovation with blended finance

Establish and market sustainable financial products

Aligning object evaluations with sustainability
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