Messe Stuttgart and the German Sustainable Building Council (DGNB) reached an important milestone on the road to Consense 2014: The DGNB Impuls and the joint Consense Lounge celebrated a successful premiere. The new event format attracted 300 visitors and prospective customers right from the start and highlighted the huge interest in the area of "Sustainable building". The participants at Messe Stuttgart have shortened the wait time until the next Consense, the international trade fair and congress for sustainable building, investment, operations and maintenance. In the future the industry meeting point will now take place alternately with the leading world trade fair BAU, i.e. every two years. The next event takes place on 1 and 2 July 2014.
On this day the focus lay on current developments and new questions. Within the framework of the Consense Lounge the futurologist Lars Thomson ventured an exciting view of the next 520 weeks. He outlined central trends for modern working environments and households. He also presented the so-called "Smart Homes", which promises intelligent living in the future thanks to growing digitalisation. This journey to the future created an appealing setting for an evening during which many intensive discussions were held and valuable contacts made. The evening was sponsored by PlasticsEurope Deutschland e.V., which also supported the get-together within the framework of Consense.
The event clarified that sustainability in investment, as well as in the building and property sector, is a dynamic growth market with huge prospects. The market for buildings planned, constructed and operated in a sustainable manner is growing at an impressive rate. BNP Paribas Real Estate identified that around 2.7 billion Euro is being invested in buildings which have a sustainable building certificate or are registered for certification. Almost every third Euro in the investment market is going to certified projects.
Particularly in the built environment there are many starting points from the investment decision to planning, construction, operation and renovation through to the choice of suitable building materials and processing methods. The industry meeting point Consense 2014 will cover the entire spectrum. The event organisers are now taking the momentum from Impuls and Consense Lounge and using it in further preparations for next year: The new concept starts with three new forums taking centre stage at the trade fair.
Trade fair and congress visitors receive compact information on the latest topics in short presentations. In this way a trade fair with short routes is created - a knowledge platform for decision-makers from the relevant areas and industries. As a competent partner the GEFMA German Facility Management Association conveys valuable expertise for the property sector during the "Operation" Forum. During the "Building" Forum the Baden-Württemberg Chamber of Architects will present a wide range of currently discussed topics for a sustainably built environment. Preparations for an "Investment" Forum are underway. A fourth stage is reserved for the exhibitors, etc. Here they have the opportunity to present new solutions, developments and business ideas. Messe Stuttgart offers a special exhibitor discount for early bookers. This early-booker discount is valid until 31.10.2013.
A view beyond the horizon to neighbouring and completely new fields is an essential feature of Consense. The new organisational framework brings experts, decision-makers, exhibitors and visitors from all over the world to the forums at the trade fair. Intensive workshops on individual topics are also offered.
Further information about the trade fair
Landesmesse Stuttgart GmbH
Melanie Bachmann
Messepiazza 1
70629 Stuttgart
Tel.: +49 711 18560 - 2631
Fax: +49 711 18560 - 2657
Further information about the Congress
German Sustainable Building Council (DGNB e.V.).
Kronprinzstrasse 11
70173 Stuttgart
Tel.: +49 711 72 23 22 - 0
Fax: +49 711 72 23 22 - 99
Press Contact
Proesler Kommunikation GmbH
Martin Prösler
Karlstrasse 2
72072 Tübingen
Tel.: +49 (0)7071 234-16
Fax: +49 (0)7071 234-18