Press release

Expo Real 2010: Certified Buildings

Thirty-one buildings were awarded a DGNB Certificate or pre-certificate at Expo Real 2010. This increases the number of buildings certified by the German Sustainable Building Council (DGNB) to around 150.

In addition to new buildings within the occupancy profiles "Office and Administrative Buildings", "Educational Facilities", "Retail Buildings", "Industrial Buildings" and "Modernized Office and Administrative Buildings", new residential buildings were awarded pre-certificates for the first time. The awards were presented at EXPO REAL in Munich by Professor Manfred Hegger, the DGNB Chairman and its CEO, Dr. Christine Lemaitre.

The buildings – an overview:

New Office and Administrative Buildings (version 2008)

  • Behördenzentrum Kurfürstenanlage, Heidelberg
  • Büro- und Geschäftshaus Ericus-Contor, Hamburg
  • HOCHTIEF-Haus, Hamburg
  • Kö-Blick, Düsseldorf
  • Sophienterrassen, Mittelweg Campus, Hamburg
  • ECE, Bürogebäude am Saseler Damm III; Hamburg
  • Kranhaus Süd, Cologne

New Office and Administrative Buildings (version 2009)

  • AWB Bürogebäude, Lübeck
  • BBAC - Berlin-Brandenburg Airport Center, Schönefeld
  • Beschaffungsamt des Bundesministeriums des Inneren, Bonn
  • Bürogebäude Montgelas Park, Munich
  • Dienstleistungszentrum Luxembourg-Gasperich (L)
  • Kompetenz- und Veranstaltungszentrum, Hamm
  • Neubau der Unternehmenszentrale der Fraport AG, Frankfurt/Main

New Educational Facilities (version 2009)

  • Neubau Geo I, Münster

New Retail Buildings (version 2009)

  • Q6Q7, Mannheim
  • Skyline Plaza Frankfurt
  • LIDL - Filiale der Zukunft, Hannover
  • Mercedes-Benz Nutzfahrzeug-Zentrum Aachen-Eschweiler

New Industrial Buildings (version 2009)

  • Güterverkehrszentrum (GVZ) II, Ingolstadt
  • Hermes HUB Nord, Langenhagen
  • nextpark flex GG08, Groß-Gerau
  • LogPark Hamburg, Bauteil B4, Mienenbüttel

Modernization of Office and Administrative Buildings (version 2010)

  • Bürogebäude Törringstraße 6, Munich

New Residential Buildings (version 2010)

  • Donnersberger Höfe, Munich
  • Düsseldorf Färberstraße
  • Neubau im Pelikan Viertel Hannover, Haus B1
  • Pariser Höfe, Stuttgart
  • Wohnen am Grindelberg, Hamburg
  • Wohnbebauung F40 mit Stadtvillen VERO, Frankfurt/Main
  • Wohn- und Geschäftsgebäude „Schützengasse“, Dresden

Further Information

Deutsche Gesellschaft für Nachhaltiges Bauen e.V.
German Sustainable Building Council
Kronprinzstrasse 11
70173 Stuttgart, Germany
Tel.: +49 (0)711 72 23 22-0
Fax: +49 (0)711 72 23 22-99

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approximately 2,400 characters

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Your contact person

Felix Jansen

Director PR, Communications and Marketing