Car parks

Certify sustainable car parks with the DGNB

The way we get around is undergoing a structural change. In order to do this justice, (multi-storey) car parks must also be built in a sustainable manner and be oriented towards new requirements. For this purpose, the DGNB, together with experts, has developed an assessment approach that serves both as a planning tool and as a quality seal for sustainable car parks. The aim is to establish an instrument for multi-storey car parks that creates comparability and transparency, increases the quality of multi-storey car parks and takes sustainability and flexibility into account as early as the planning stage.

Projects can be registered for the pilot phase "New Construction of Car Parks". The first certificates were awarded at Expo Real 2019 in Munich.

Conditions of participation: Open and closed (multi-storey) car parks that are not older than three years (based on the date of submission) may participate in the pilot phase. All DGNB auditors for buildings may submit projects. During the pilot phase, a discount of 20 percent on the certification fees is granted.

  • Connection to environmentally friendly modes of transport (e.g. public transport, rental bicycles, Park & Ride)
  • Support of offers for sustainable mobility (e.g. e-charging stations)
  • Avoidance of building materials that are harmful to the environment and health
  • Low CO2 footprint
  • Use of energy-efficient technologies
  • Low operating costs
  • Easy to deconstruct
  • Complementary offers for the district (e.g. playground on the roof, restaurant on the ground floor)

The certificate is aimed at anyone planning and constructing a (multi-storey) car park or a mixed-use building with a high proportion of parking. Anyone who wants to purchase or rent a (multi-storey) car park for use can use the DGNB Certificate as independently verified proof of the holistic sustainability quality of the building.

  • Holistic consideration of all relevant sustainability requirements
  • Transparent and independent quality award and assurance during planning, construction and operation
  • Transparency with regard to ressource efficency and emissions
  • Image gain
  • Detailed building documentation
  • Unique selling point compared to competitors
  • Contribution to the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs)
  • High degree of future security through reduction of cost-intensive risks

The scheme is currently in the pilot phase with criteria development. After a workshop with a comment phase, the scheme is now being tested in practice. You have the opportunity to participate with a project and to contribute to the development of the criteria. We look forward to your feedback.

The scheme "New Construction of Car Parks" applies to all forms of parking structures (underground and elevated garages) that serve to park vehicles (e.g. cars, motorbikes, bicycles) and thus relieve the street space of stationary traffic.

Car parks or garages also play a major role for mixed-use buildings. In the pilot phase, however, the scheme is not yet applicable for mixed-use buildings. With the introduction of the market version, mixed-use buildings will also be addressed.

Selected DGNB certified projects

P+R Mesenich
P+R Mesenich, Wasserbillig
Buildings New Construction
Car Parks
GOLDBECK Parkhaus in Hirschberg
GOLDBECK Parkhaus in Hirschberg, Hirschberg
Buildings New Construction
Car Parks

Available criteria sets in English

Document|pdf|English|14 MB

DGNB Criteria Set New Construction Buildings, Version 2018

Overview of all
criteria and schemes

In order to address the individual characteristics of your building project, the DGNB System takes into account a variety of criteria and schemes.
You can find an overview here.

Overview of all criteria and schemes

Project registration

To register a project, clients must first hire a DGNB Auditor. This auditor can then register the project. Auditors also accompany the entire process and take over the verification and submission to the DGNB. They are active worldwide and specialise in certain schemes.

Projects can be registered for the pilot phase "New Construction of Car Parks". The DGNB System "New Construction of Buildings, Version 2020 International" is not yet available for this scheme. However, DGNB Auditors with German language skills can combine and adapt the full range of current german schemes with "New Construction of Buildings, Version 2020 International" in order to certify other building types.

Find a dgnb auditor

Scale of fees

Project registration

Your contact

Andrea Schwitalla
