Press release

Existing buildings in focus: DGNB presents analytical instrument and certificate for existing buildings

DGNB presents analytical instrument and certificate for existing buildings - Meaningful instruments, which offer a means of achieving transparency with respect to the condition of a building, constitute an essential foundation for greater sustainability in existing buildings.

Existing buildings in focus: DGNB presents analytical instrument and certificate for existing buildings "Meaningful instruments, which offer a means of achieving transparency with respect to the condition of a building, constitute an essential foundation for greater sustainability in existing buildings. The DGNB existing building analysis therefore takes structural aspects, industrial assets, and building management into consideration," Dr. Christine Lemaitre, CEO of the DGNB, explains. "This provides a quick overview for companies that service extensive portfolios."

The DGNB existing building analysis produces a comprehensive picture of a building in terms of its sustainability. Based on the DGNB's established criteria catalog, it provides investors, building operators and planners with a sound basis for their decisions about the future of their properties: Are modernization or revitalization measures necessary? Which measures are economically expedient? How sustainable are the management and control measures and how can they be improved? Is it possible to optimize energy and resources management? Can operating costs be reduced? Based on the quality of the solid DGNB certification system, the new instrument ensures maximum transparency and reliability.

Although the DGNB existing building analysis may also be carried out outside the context of certification, the results may be carried over into the certification process if required.

The new instrument is now available for the analysis of office and administrative buildings.

Outstanding building stock
The DGNB has added another important module to its certification system with the certificate for existing buildings. Unlike the planning-based certification of new buildings, real data are used in the process for existing buildings. This means, for example, that the assessment is based on actual energy and drinking water consumption values, as well as operating and running costs. Maintenance and resources management, documentation, strategy and financial reporting are also taken into account in order to acquire detailed information concerning sustainable building management. Furthermore, an appraisal is carried out to determine the actual condition of the property – in terms of accessibility, efficient use of available space or technical quality, for example.

The assessment of an existing building is based on the principles of the comprehensive DGNB system. This means that a building is considered from six points of view:

  • Environmental Quality
  • Economic Quality
  • Sociocultural and Functional Quality
  • Process Quality
  • Technical quality
  • Site Quality

"Existing buildings can exert great leverage to promote sustainability," emphasizes Dr. Lemaitre, "which is why the DGNB is working to extend its occupancy profiles to include existing buildings as quickly as possible."

The non-profit organization is offering certification for office and administrative buildings as the first step. Real estate must fulfill the following criteria to qualify for a certificate:

  • They have been in use for at least five years
  • Major modernization work, on the façade or heating system, for instance, was completed more than five years ago
  • Only minor maintenance measures have been implemented within the last five years
  • New structural components did not amount to more than 20 percent of the building's mass and/or gross floor area

The certification of existing buildings and the DGNB's new analytical instrument were presented to the public for the first time at the annual DGNB conference held in Stuttgart on June 29 and 30, 2011 as part of Consense.


Additional information
DGNB - German Sustainable Building Council
Kronprinzstrasse 11
70173 Stuttgart, Germany
Tel.: +49 (0)711 72 23 22-0
Fax: +49 (0)711 72 23 22-99

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