Sustainability Bundle

DGNB-recognised service

General information

  • Service provider: aedifion GmbH
  • Product name: Sustainability Bundle
  • Certification system: DGNB System for Buildings In Use, Version 2020
  • Validity: until August 2025


Our evaluation

The conformity check for the product "Sustainability Bundle" was successfully completed. The test result was confirmed in all points after independent evaluation by the certification body of the DGNB.

For further information, see the requirements specification, which summarises the documents to be submitted for certification of follow-up projects based on the recognised service available here.


Guaranteed degree of fulfilment

+ 19.3%

Maximum additional degree of fulfilment

Recognition result in detail

No.Criteria and indicatorsFixed indicator
Evaluation (points)
Variable indicator
Evaluation (points)
1.1Target agreement 10 / 12
2.1Collecting data on energy 25 / 30 / 35
3.1Data analysis5 
3.2Implementation of the improvement measures 2.5 / 5
 Measures for optimisation based on  
4.1.1expertise, stakeholder dialogue in regularly scheduled meetings5 
4.1.2calculation programmes with adjustments to actual operation4 
4.1.3technical monitoring2.5 
4.1.4comparison of ecological, economic and social aspects2.5 
6.1Target achievement: Internal target value 0 / 5 / 10
6.2Target achievement: External benchmarking 0 / 5

No.Criteria and indicatorsFixed indicator
Evaluation (points)
Variable indicator
Evaluation (points)
1.1Target agreement  5 / 10 
1.2Water stress5 
2.1Collecting data on water 25 / 30 / 35
3.1Data analysis5 
3.2Implementation of the improvement measures 0 / 5 / 10
 Measures for optimisation based on  
4.1.1expertise, stakeholder dialogue in regularly scheduled meetings10 
4.1.4comparison of ecological, economic and social aspects5 
5.1Target achievement  0 / 10

No.Criteria and indicatorsFixed indicator
Evaluation (points)
Variable indicator
Evaluation (points)
1.1.1Target agreement 5 / 10 
1.1.2Target agreement for fractionation and recycling rate5 
2.1Collecting data on waste 25 / 30
3.1Data analysis 5 
3.2Implementation of the improvement measures 0 / 5 / 10
 Measures for optimisation based on  
4.1.1expertise, stakeholder dialogue in regularly scheduled meetings 10 
4.1.2information on waste and residual waste prevention and increasing the recycling rate5 
5.1Target achievement  0 / 10

No.Criteria and indicatorsFixed indicator
Evaluation (points)
Variable indicator
Evaluation (points)
1.1.1Target agreement 10 / 15
2.1Collecting data on costs 5 / 10 / 15
3.2Implementation of the improvement measures 0 / 5 / 10 
 Measures for optimisation based on  
4.1.1expertise, stakeholder dialogue in regularly scheduled meetings10 
4.1.3comparison of ecological, economic and social aspects15 
5.1Target achievement 0 / 10

No.Criteria and indicatorsFixed indicator
Evaluation (points)
Variable indicator
Evaluation (points)
1.1Personnel responsibility5 
2.1Checklist for transparency of object documentation5 
3.2Fundamental complaint management4 
3.3.1Recording of vacancy rate5 
3.3.2Recording of person occupancy  0 / 5

No.Criteria and indicatorsFixed indicator
Evaluation (points)
Variable indicator
Evaluation (points)
4.1Guideline for technical monitoring4 
5.4.1Implementing technical monitoring - new installations2 
5.4.2Implementing technical monitoring - existing installations2 

No.Criteria and indicatorsFixed indicator
Evaluation (points)
Variable indicator
Evaluation (points)
1.1.1Target agreement (target value) 15 / 20 
1.1.3Target agreement complaint management5 
2.1Collecting data on comfort parameters 15 / 20 
3.1Data analysis10 
3.2Implementation of the improvement measures 0 / 5 / 10 
 Measures for optimisation based on  
4.1.1expertise, stakeholder dialogue in regularly scheduled meetings5 
4.1.2complaint management5 
4.1.4technical monitoring5 
4.1.5comparison of ecological, economic and social aspects5 
6.1Target achievement 0 / 5 / 10

No.Criteria and indicatorsFixed indicator
Evaluation (points)
Variable indicator
Evaluation (points)
1.1.4Display of consumption data 5 

Your contact

Alice Gerstner

Consultant Certification Buildings In Use