Events in the DGNB network

Find the overview of events where DGNB members can meet and get involved.

In addition to the more content-focused work in workshops or in our advisory boards and committees, the DGNB also has a number of recurring event formats that focus on networking and providing impetus. An overview of all the current dates can be found in our event calender.


    DGNB Sustainability Day: Our annual main event in presence

    Our largest networking event takes place in the middle of the year, with the general assembly, impulses and plenty of space for exchange.

    Menschengruppe bei draußen, die einer referierenden Person zuhört

    DGNB out and about: certified projects and networking all over Germany

    Meet other DGNB members in your region and get exclusive insights into certified projects.

    Gesprächsrunde beim DGNB Jahreskongress 2022 mit Johannes Kreißig, Dr. Christine Lemaitre und Felix Jansen - jeweils an einem Stehtisch stehend -  vor einem großen Bildschirm.
    Gesprächsrunde beim DGNB Jahreskongress 2022 mit Johannes Kreißig, Dr. Christine Lemaitre und Felix Jansen

    DGNB Annual Congress: Two days full of digital impulses

    In spring, we regularly hold our two-day digital DGNB Annual Congress with impulse lectures, theme rooms and open stag offers.

    Menschen diskustieren am Stehtisch

    DGNB Ideas Lab: the annual knowledge and creativity event

    Join us on a search for the white spots on the map of sustainable construction.


    Your contact

    Katrin Wolf

    Manager Trade Fairs, Events and Partnerships