
Research for better quality of urban life

The project and its objectives

The objective of the Build4People project is to support the capital of Cambodia, Phnom Pen, in its transformation into a sustainable city with a high quality of life. A particular focus is placed on the construction and real estate sector. The research approach is transdisciplinary - architects, urban and landscape planners work closely with energy experts, urban climatologists, environmental psychologists and sociologists. Learn more

Target group: Local actors from politics, business and civil society

Participation of the DGNB

The DGNB's task is to support the development of sustainability criteria for early project phases of districts. These are intended to enable the city of Phnom Penh to steer district development by private project developers in the direction of sustainability. In addition, the DGNB is a member of the project's scientific advisory board.

Duration and partners

The project will run for four years (from 2021 to 2025). The Build4People project integrates different disciplines such as environmental psychology, civil engineering, urban planning, architecture, urban climatology, remote sensing and anthropogeography.

The Build4People project is funded by the German Federal Ministry of Education and Research (BMBF).

Your contact

Dr. Stephan Anders

Director Network and Consulting